From Coca-Cola to 可口可乐

  From 2000 to 2012, Coca-Cola was the most valuable brand in the world for 13 years (Elliott, 2013). As an iconic brand which is “an identity brand that approaches the identity value of a cultural icon” (Holt, 2004, p.11), Coca-Cola is not only a type of beverage, but also a symbol of many things… Read More From Coca-Cola to 可口可乐

Cultural Branding in Disney

According to Douglas Holt, cultural branding is “the set of axioms and strategic principles that guide the building of brands into cultural icons” (Holt, 2004, p. 11). Holt mentions that a brand requires “hybrid” strategies. In cultural banding, the general strategies are targeting, positioning, brand equity, brand loyalty, cobranding and communications. To build a cultural… Read More Cultural Branding in Disney